StreamSec HB
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>> Order Support Agreement

Contact sales if you are interested in a support agreement. We strongly prefer our customers to contact us prior to ordering a support agreement, in order to ensure that we will be able to provide the services and products our customers expect from us.

We currently provide three tiers of support agreements:

  • Support Level 3: The third tier is currently priced at €1000 per developer and year. Please ask us about discounts for additional developers. Support Level 3 includes:
    • Advanced technical support via email, provided by a core developer. You might e.g. send us a project and ask us to demonstrate how our code is to be integrated with your project code.
    • Renewal of access to updates for licensed products.
    • Maintenance guarantee. We will not discontinue products used by our active Level 3 customers, without providing hands-on help with the transition to a replacement product.
    • Faster bug-fixes. Level 3 customers who report issues will get fixes ahead of the release cycle.
  • Support Level 2: The second tier is currently priced at €400 per developer and first year. Please ask us about discounts for additional developers. Support Level 2 includes:
    • Technical support via email. Technical questions might be answered by the addition of an adequate demo project on our download site.
    • Renewal of access to updates for licensed products.
  • Support Level 1: The first tier is free of charge and provided through our public support forum at This tier is primarily intended for customers who only own licenses and/or download subscriptions.
How many licenses do I need?
Our pricing is based on the premise that our customers purchase one license for each person who will cause a copy of our files to be produced, e.g.
  • by performing an action that causes StreamSec code to be linked into an executable (e.g. by compiling or running a project that uses StreamSec code), or
  • by opening our source code using a tool suitable for display of text or byte code in human readable form, while leaving your original copy of the files accessible to other persons.
However, you do not need additional licenses if you transfer a license to a new person and ensure that the person originally assigned to the license, will no longer be able to access the file in any of the above ways.

You also do not additional licenses for build machines, provided that the builds will only be administrated or triggered by persons who have already been assigned licenses.

The contents of this page were modified 2020-08-11
The page was last deployed 2024-01-05

StreamSec HB

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