StreamSec HB
StreamSec Tools 4.0
StreamSec Tools 2.x
 >> FAQ
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  RTC SDK StreamSec Fork
Can StreamSec Tools 2.x be used with certificates issued by the software manufacturer or by the software user?

Yes, this is technically possible.

Is it possible to control which Certificate Authorities a StreamSec SSL/TLS client or server will recognize?

Yes. With StreamSec Tools 2.x you will have complete control over which certificate authorities to recognize, both client side and server side.

Does StreamSec issue SSL certificates that will be automatically recognized by web browsers?

No. If you want your HTTPS server to appear authenticated to clients to whom you have had no prior contact, you need a SSL certificate issued by any of the certificate authorities recognized by the common web browsers. For more information, please use any of our support channels.

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The contents of this page were modified 2015-05-11
The page was last deployed 2024-08-15

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